Save Money, Save Energy, Save the Earth at Your Brooklyn Home


Save Money,Save Energy,Save The Earth


Saving money and saving the planet go hand-in-hand. It’s all about being thoughtful, creative, and into DIY – doing it yourself. Here are some ways you can save money, Save Money, Save Energy, Save the Earth at Your Brooklyn Home

  • Be seasonal. Dress, cook and eat according to the weather. If it’s hot outside, dress accordingly, and keep the thermostat in the high 70s. Don’t use the oven in summertime; eat and drink cold fare. When it’s cold, wear a sweater, and keep the temperature in your Brooklyn home in the high 60s. Winter is the time to bake and to eat warm, hearty food.
  • Use a clothesline. The clothes dryer is an energy hog. Let the sun and wind do it instead. Go ahead and fluff the wet laundry briefly in the dryer on the air fluff cycle before hanging it. You’ll be surprised how fast your sheets will dry, and how smooth your clothes come out, compared to the rumpled look they get from the dryer. And the truly fresh scent beats the cloying smell of fabric sheets any day.
  • Keep air filters clean. Professionals recommend that you check the filters on the air conditioner and furnace in your Brooklyn home once a month, and clean or replace when needed. This will keep your heating and cooling systems working efficiently and extend their life.
  • Grow your own. Farmer’s markets are great, but there’s nothing like going right outside the door of your own  home to get the freshest ingredients for your meals. Even if you’re an apartment dweller, you can grow fresh herbs (and more) in pots.
  • Use cloth diapers. If you don’t want your child to live next to the disposable diaper landfill in 20 years, don’t create it today.
  • Get rid of the gas-hog. Still driving an SUV or truck? Don’t be fuelish. Trade it in for a used car that gets over 30 mpg.

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